I'm not really big on the traditional Thanksgiving holiday. To me, Thanksgiving is all about the food. I think about what kinds of new recipes I will be trying, what old favorites I will serve, and what kind of ice cream I will make. I think most Americans are with me on this. The true meaning of Thanksgiving is lost on me. However, to be fair, it's not really reasonable to expect people to turn their sincere feelings of gratitude on and off on the last Thursday of November.
That said, in the last couple of weeks, there are a lot of people that I have been thankful to have in me life. This is what my last couple of month have looked like.
November 16th: Visit SF with boss to meet attorneys and find an office space. None found.
--Searching for one bedroom apt that takes cats, with parking--
--Searching for an office--
November 17th: Get bar results. I passed.
--Searching for one bedroom apt that takes cats, with parking--
--Searching for an office--
December 1: Swear in as an attorney. Get news from Jeff that his company offered him the job, but he must stay in SD.
--Searching for a studio in SF--
--Searching for a one bedroom in SD that takes cats and has parking--
--Searching for another car--
--Searching for an office--
December 2: Swear into the Southern District.
--Searching for a studio in SF--
--Searching for a one bedroom in SD that takes cats and has parking--
--Searching for another car--
--Searching for an office--
December 5-9: Jeff in Cancun for a conference.
--Searching for a studio in SF--
--Searching for a one bedroom in SD that takes cats and has parking--
--Searching for another car--
--Searching for an office--
December 12: Visit SF with Jeff to find an apartment and office. Found an apt. and really expensive office.
--Searching for a one bedroom in SD that takes cats and has parking--
--Searching for an office--
December 13-20: Turned in rental app, lots of money, and references. Waiting to hear from SF apartment people. Finally got the apt.
December 14: Jeff finds an apartment. Gets it.
December 16: Start rental procedures, reluctantly, with expensive office.
--Searching for an office--
--Packing and moving to Jeff's--
December 30-31: Visit SF with Sara to pick up keys to new apt, and look at offices. Found the PERFECT office, better location, better size, better view!
--Packing and moving--
January 4: Jeff's parents in town.
January 5: Jeff's dissertation defense. He rocked it.
--Entertaining Jeff's parents. Thinking we'd rather be moving--
January 6: Jeff gets a massive flu or cold.
--Entertaining Jeff's parents. Thinking we'd rather be moving--
January 9: My last day in the SD office. Trying to wrap it up to move. Pick up Budget truck. House is still mostly unpacked by the time I get off work. I catch Jeff's sickness. Both of us are miserable.
--Freaking out that nothing is done--
--Worked all night to pack the truck.
January 10: Deliver couch and coffee table to Nicole.
--Worked all day and night to pack truck--
--Left at 11 pm towards SF.
January 11: Arrive in SF exhausted. Abby and Dylan help us unload.
January 11-13: Unpack and return emails and texts from work.
January 12: First federal court appearance in the Northern District. Both of us just barely starting to feel better.
January 13: Olga in town to visit.
So it hasn't been a walk in the park for me. In the last couple of days, each day was more stressful than the previous. I don't think I would have been able to get through this, at least not without breaking the bank, without the help of a lot of people. I am so Thankful for all of them. In no particular order:
Tim helped us move furniture at the last minute. When I started feeling so sick and miserable and my back just couldn't take the three story climb with furniture, Tim really came through. Additionally, Tim is picking Jeff up from the airport AND he really helped us with getting a maid to clean our apartment and overseeing her. I am so thankful for Tim.
Sara went with me to pick up keys in SF. She chose to spend her precious time off from school running all around SF with me so that I wouldn't have to go alone. I am so thankful for Sara.
Andrea came out from Riverside to spend the day with me at work on the day I got my Bar results. She made the drive so that I wouldn't be too stressed out at work and to support me during that monumental day. That was a huge gesture to me, and I will not forget it. I am so thankful for Andrea.
Olga's Christmas present to me was a month of food delivery to my SF apartment. When we were in college and I didn't have a car, Olga drove me to the grocery store each month. Her gift is so thoughtful and generous. She is saving me a trip to the grocery store during this stressful time when it is easy to settle and eat crap. I am so thankful for Olga.
Dory always gives me strong words of encouragement when I most need it. Dory is very intuitive and will randomly chat me or text me when I'm less than calm. Dory's support is a constant reminder that I am loved when all I feel is weak. I am so thankful for Dory.
Abby and Dylan came on such short notice, from Dublin to SF during their winter break to help us unload. There was no way that Jeff and I could unload the truck in SF alone. We parked at a passenger unloading zone at the other end of the block (down the hill) because there was no parking for a regular car, let alone a 16 foot truck. They helped us unload the truck in two hours! (The meter maid arrived when we did, and return just as we finished!). I am so thankful for Abby and Dylan.
Jeff is often the source of my stress but he is also the only remedy. While it's kind of his fault that we had to delay moving until January, he did the bulk of the heavy lifting literally. With my sciatica, I couldn't risk a lot of furniture moving so Jeff had to step up. With his help I have been able to get most of my apartment unpack in two days. Soon it will feel like home and I won't be so lonely or sad living in a tiny studio all alone in this huge new city. I am so thankful for Jeff.
All of these people remind me that I am cared for. In my other post, Random Acts of Blah, Blah, Blah, I talk about paying it forward. These people are the reason I do it. I try to be considerate and generous when I can easily help others because when I need it most, others help me. Thank you everyone. I may be alone here in SF, but I will never be lonely because of you.
- Posted from my iPad
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