New Tabs
"Free Photo Sessions": If you're in the area, SD, you can give me something to do during my short breaks on the weekends. I'm giving away FREE photo sessions! If you're interested in having you portraits done with you spouse, kids and/or pets, drop me a line at SurelyMaebyBlog(at)gmail(dot)com. Check out the tab for some samples.
"Link to Notable Photos": Also check out this tab for the best of SurelyMaeby. These are some of the popular photos posts I've done this year.
Inspiration Sidebar
I love a good blog! I've said it before, I like to check my favorite blogs daily, like a 5 minute reality escape. I know, shame on me for not updating. In case you haven't noticed, on the left sidebar, I have listed some of my favorite blogs and websites. No Facebook here! These people are way more interesting than any of your Facebook "friends"! (Except Amber of Loves Food, Loves to Eat, she was my FB friend back in the day when I was on FB, and she's still awesome) Check these sites out while you're waiting for me.
My favorites (they're all my favorites, but my frequency of checking back is dependent on my mood- big surprise) at the moment are:
Loves Food, Loves to Eat: A well written food blog from the view of a mid 20 year old, Seattleite's perspective. Caution, don't view while hungry! Amber's photos and descriptions will only make it worse!
Under the Sycamore: A fun craft and photo blog from the view of a mother of four young kids. One of the most inspirational blogs for me.
The Anderson Crew: Also a really fun craft and photo blog from a young mother of 4, hopefully soon to be 5. Emily is really funny and kind. She's also the genius behind Embrace the Camera.
The Art of Doing Stuff: I LOVE Canadians! Always have, always will. This blog is about doing STUFF! Pretty much anything. I love this description on her blog, "If I don't know I'll figure it out". Karen is my kind of woman! She enjoys the little things, has a great sense of humor, and a terrific (and pretty realistic) outlook on life. I feel like if we met, we would be great friends. (Yes, I know how creepy that sounds.)
Promise Tangeman Art & Design: This is a great design blog. Promise (that's her real name) is really creative and has a great eye for design.
Caroline Tran Photography: Easily one of my all time favorite photographers (with Laurence Kim and Clayton Austin, also listed sidebar). Her style is clean, and bright- it just makes me feel happy!
You should really check them all out! There are just too many to talk about and not enough time! Sorry, FDA law is on fire from sitting on the back burner for too long! I hope to be back next week :) Check back soon!
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